Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Sanctioned — a novel

Sanctioned — a novel by Chris Page

Britain is sinking under the weight of scroungers, skivers, shirkers, refugees, migrants, libtards, experts, and snowflakes. The economy is hobbled and the very fabric of society is in need of a good scrubbing. Gideon Smith, an agent of the Department of Aspiration, has been tasked with doing something about it — and in no uncertain terms.

As Smith, tormented by his duty-driven sociopathic boss, digs himself in ever deeper,  the story takes you into a farce of bureaucratic madness, machination, murder, and political incorrectness gone mad.

Read a sample of Sanctioned

All books available in paperback from Amazon, and ebook from Kindle and Apple Books — or direct from the author(email link).

Buy a paperback and you can download the Kindle of the same book free. Have both physical and electronic versions of any Chris Page publication. Buy one, get the same one free, as it were!

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Or try your preferred regional Amazon/Kindle.

Apple Books [No, the sporty books on the Apple Chris Page page are nothing to do with me but have become conflated by name!]

Or read short samples of each book:



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