Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Weed — the novel

The cover of Weed, the novel by Chris Page

A novel by Chris Page

Robert D. Weed is a regular sort of chap doing the best he can, but he has a problem. Is it that he is stupid, or is it that he’s not and everyone else is?

Chris Page’s first novel. Weed started as a facetious, throw-away short story but, appropriate to its name, grew and grew and grew until it became a book.

Weed is a brilliantly written comedic novel while at the same time a harsh criticism of modern consumerist society.

The lyrically attractive writing style spoke to me and does a good job of creating a vision of this fictitious yet very real world and company. It reminded me of Terry Gilliam’s movie Brazil! from 1985. If you, like the protagonist, sometimes find yourself drowning in the rat race for conformity and mediocrity, this book is for you

I Immediately bought a second copy to give to a friend! 

— BAE Pronk, writing on Amazon

“… it’s really witty and very strong … I would compare the writing to Robert Rankin, or a really satirically biting Tom Sharpe, and will say again that I’m really impressed by it”

— a publisher in London

” …. it proceeded to the advanced stages of the [selection] process.”

— sort of praise by another UK publisher

“It’s not boring but I suppose you’ve placed it already.” 

As written by an agent on the top page of the returned manuscript, which incidentally came back without its nice plastic cover, and which may or may not constitute praise. (Well, no I hadn’t placed it, but but I have now, thank you.)

“It’s so funny I weed myself. Geddit?”

— a random mother

Read a sample of Weed

All books available in paperback from Amazon, and ebook from Kindle and Apple Books — or direct from the author(email link).

Buy a paperback and you can download the Kindle of the same book free. Have both physical and electronic versions of any Chris Page publication. Buy one, get the same one free, as it were!

Amazon/Kindle North America

Amazon/Kindle UK

Amazon/Kindle Japan

Or try your preferred regional Amazon/Kindle.

Apple Books [No, the sporty books on the Apple Chris Page page are nothing to do with me but have become conflated by name!]

Or read short samples of each book:



Another Perfect Day in Fucking Paradise

King of the Undies World

The Underpants Tree

Un-Tall Tales (Will open separate site in new window)

Chris Page author blog

Article on the genesis of the novel Weed

Contact Chris Page here: email me, baby, you know you want to