Fiction by Chris Page
To find out more about a book, click on its cover.

The Freebie: a stand-alone short story in one Kindle volume. Musical wannabe Billy Freeb is being interviewed by the famous music journalist Justin Lastname. But does Billy’s band actually exist and is Billy an actual musician, and, actually, does their lunch really exist? Come to that, will Billy exist by the end of the story? First published in the London Magazine in 2002 and featured in Chris Page’s volume of short fiction Un-Tall Tales.

All books available in paperback from Amazon, and ebook from Kindle and Apple Books — or direct from the author (email link).
Buy a paperback and you can download the Kindle of the same book free. Have both physical and electronic versions of any Chris Page publication. Buy one, get the same one free, as it were!
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Apple Books [No, the sporty books on the Apple Chris Page page are nothing to do with me but have become conflated by name!]
Or read short samples of each book:
Another Perfect Day in Fucking Paradise
Un-Tall Tales (Will open separate site in new window)