A poem by Chris Page
every day, day after day after day,
we wash our teeth and
change our underpants
and we wash our teeth and change our underpants
day after day after day
and this is life; this is what we do
to keep the days going by
day after day after day
we wash our teeth and
change our underpants
and we learned from our parents
who day after day after day
washed their teeth and changed their underpants
the need to wash our teeth and change our underpants
day after day after day
and in our turn we’ll teach our children
to wash their teeth and change their underpants
day after day after day
and we will go on
day after day after day
washing our teeth and changing our underpants
until we have no more teeth to wash
and no more underpants to change
and then we’ll die
and then we’ll be dead
day after day after day