Today’s announcement by the Spanish prime minister elect that he is going to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq is not quite the good news it seems to be. Firstly, a…
Today’s announcement by the Spanish prime minister elect that he is going to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq is not quite the good news it seems to be. Firstly, a…
Kennedy bollocks In the UK, LSD party member Jenny Tonge was sacked by party leader Charles Kennedy for saying she would consider being a suicide bomber if she was a…
Yes, I know, you all saw it last week, but here it is again, just to remind us what real fear and outrage is all about. Here’s the Observer story…
Children everywhere are celebrating the capture by the whole US army of the Bogey Man. He was found hiding in a hole in the ground, probably ready to spring out…
In the news recently, George Bush and Tory Blair have been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. Other nominees for this prestigious award are Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Adolf…
Greg Dyke, the director of UK national broadcaster the BBC and Tory Blair Prime Minister of the UK have both resigned. Mr. Dyke resigned to take responsibility for the errors…
Well, hi. It’s day bleagh after the 2004 State of the Union address and rapture is not upon us. Pislocybe P Pook is, however, a little puzzled about a couple…
Matt Kaste’s Epiphany rant Greetings All, The grain of salt I take most political speeches with could thoroughly salinate Lake Superior and the other four Great Lakes no problem, but…
I have been inundated today by declarations of rapture (or declarations of rupture) at the capture of Saddam Hussein. Pookian rapture is dimmed by the knowledge that many other guilty…
It is good news that they have Saddam Hussein at last. However, what they don’t have are the WMD he was supposed to be threatening us with, the same WMD…