More Saddam bollocks
I have been inundated today by declarations of rapture (or declarations of rupture) at the capture of Saddam Hussein. Pookian rapture is dimmed by the knowledge that many other guilty…
Rants. Diatribes. Vitriol. Comment with spikes on. Psipook says turned up to 11.
I have been inundated today by declarations of rapture (or declarations of rupture) at the capture of Saddam Hussein. Pookian rapture is dimmed by the knowledge that many other guilty…
It is good news that they have Saddam Hussein at last. However, what they don’t have are the WMD he was supposed to be threatening us with, the same WMD…
We hear today that the Oscars are going ahead even if there is a war. Oh, brilliant! Oh, wonderful! We are so glad the Oscars are going ahead. What an…