Armchair warriors
This image proudly adorns the front page of a US conservative web site — ArmchairWarrior — that claims to be putting an end to thinking everywhere. Very clever sign, this.…
Suffer yet more little children
Suffer yet more little children …The first casualties of war are the innocents Below you will find two short meditations about the killing of innocent people, particularly children, just because…
I quite agree
A snippet, culled without permission from this week’s Harper’s news review. Ralph Nader called for the impeachment of George W. Bush based on reports of the Bush Administration “fixing” the…
Bush bollocks
Another day, another Bushism. This one was delivered in a press conference response to Amnesty International’s recent criticism of the US for setting back the cause of human rights and…
Underpants ignite WWIII
Following the shock photos of Sadman Hussein in his Y-fronts, underpants have been flying out of closets all round the world. Not to be out done by his alter-ego in…
Raving Loony Party win UK election
In an unsurprising general election result a bunch of nutters have maintained control of the UK. Faced with a choice between a bunch of warmongers, the Tories, who will steal…
US must reform or die, says Rice
Condoleezza Rice has said the US cannot “survive as a vital force” if it does not reform. Ms Rice told journalists at the UN that everyone recognised that some things…
Pope dies
I don’t know why people are so upset. They are just going to make a new one, innit.
Bush intervenes to save life of woman on feeding tube
As the US government voted for new legislation to replace the feeding tube of Mrs Terri Schiavo (read about it here) who is in a vegetative state, President Bush said,…