Bush to lead New Orleans inquiry
This is like putting the drunk driver in charge of investigating the car crash. Sept.8, 05
This is like putting the drunk driver in charge of investigating the car crash. Sept.8, 05
President George Bush said yesterday that intelligent design should be taught in schools although he himself shows no sign of any.
In a dramatic move today that totally gobsmacked His critics — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spittle of Stoke Newington, London, England, UK, Europe — George “Messiah” Bush offered to double…
A snippet, culled without permission from this week’s Harper’s news review. Ralph Nader called for the impeachment of George W. Bush based on reports of the Bush Administration “fixing” the…
Another day, another Bushism. This one was delivered in a press conference response to Amnesty International’s recent criticism of the US for setting back the cause of human rights and…
Following the shock photos of Sadman Hussein in his Y-fronts, underpants have been flying out of closets all round the world. Not to be out done by his alter-ego in…
As the US government voted for new legislation to replace the feeding tube of Mrs Terri Schiavo (read about it here) who is in a vegetative state, President Bush said,…
Europeans are shipping thousands of buckets and kazoos ahead of George Bush’s address to the Nato and national leaders there. President Bush is expected to appeal for American-European unity over…
Today, Satan dramatically appeared to US voters threatening them with a great smiting. ‘I shall smite you a lot,’ he said. ‘And then I will smite you some more. Just…
Seeing the punters in the US flock to the polls does not make me think so much of sheep as masses of lemmings. There is an endearing belief that the…